Teaching, MA - Program Details


The Master of Arts in Teaching is an individualized, project-based graduate program for teachers who want to deepen their knowledge of how to teach their subject, as well as enhance their understanding of contemporary educational issues and pedagogical content knowledge.


How long is the program?

For Credential + MAIT

Students who already hold a bachelor’s degree can earn their teaching credential and their Master of Arts in Teaching in just 18 months.

Multiple Subject: 38 MSTE credential units + 12 MAIT units = 50 units
Single Subject: 34 SSTE credential units + 12 MAIT units = 46 units
Education Specialist: 37 SPED credential units + 12 MAIT units = 49 units

Classes for our one year credential programs meet on campus. Credential completers can opt to continue with the online Master of Arts in Teaching program.

For Online MAIT Only (current teachers)

The online Master of Arts in Teaching is an individualized, project-based graduate program for teachers who want to deepen their knowledge of how to teach their subject, as well as enhance their understanding of contemporary educational issues and pedagogical content knowledge.

The 30-unit online MAIT-only program is made up of four core courses and at least one elective. Applicants who have completed a credential as a post-baccalaureate student at Saint Mary's College or another accredited program in California can typically complete the program in 11 months. Other options include an accelerated 6-month schedule (recommended for students who can attend full-time during the summer, with no other commitments), or courses can be spread out over multiple years. It is possible to take classes only during summers if that is most convenient for you. The program must be completed within 5 years. 

Applicants who do not hold a California teaching credential are still eligible to earn their Master of Arts in Teaching at Saint Mary's College. For more details, contact admissions at ksoe@gener8co.com.

The program culminates in the design of an original Capstone Project, to be used in the classroom or broader school community.


For students who earned their credential as undergraduates at Saint Mary’s:
MAIT is 30 units total: Up to 9 units of dual credit accepted from your completed SMC credential program. The remaining 21 units will be 12 units of required SMC graduate level MAIT courses, plus electives.

● For non-Saint Mary’s College credential completers:
MAIT is 30 units total: Up to 15 units of post-baccalaureate credits accepted from the credential program you completed. The remaining 15 units will be 12 units of required SMC graduate level MAIT courses, plus electives.

● For non-credentialed applicants:
MAIT is 30 units total: Up to 15 units of post-baccalaureate credits may be accepted. Students will complete 12 units of required SMC graduate level MAIT courses, plus electives.


Required MAIT Coursework

  • MAIT 601 Introduction to Inquiry (1 unit)
  • MAIT 602 Content Knowledge (3 units)
  • MAIT 603 Pedagogical Knowledge (3 units)
  • MAIT 604 Capstone Project (2 units*; may be repeated)
  • Electives as required 


Capstone Project

Your Capstone Project allows you to bring together your experience and new knowledge of content and pedagogy to create an original applied educational product, for example, a curriculum unit, website, professional development experience, etc. This final project is completed with the support of a Project Chair, and on completion is presented to the KSOE and broader community.

For examples of Capstone Projects completed by graduates of the MAIT program, browse: http://sites.google.com/site/smcmatprogram/