Academic Administration Committees and Forms
To download a form, simply click on the title of the PDF
Committee Lists
- Please visit the Academic Senate webpage for a full list of Committees and committee members
- List of Faculty Awarded Emeriti Status (PDF)
Deans, Chairs, & Program Directors
- 2024-2025 (Spring) Dean, Chairs and Program Directors List
- 2024-2025 (Fall) Dean, Chairs and Program Directors List
- 2023-2024 (Spring) Dean, Chairs and Program Directors List
- 2023-2024 (Fall) Deans, Chairs and Program Directors List
- 2022-2023 (Spring) Deans, Chairs and Program Directors List
- 2022-2023 (Fall) Deans, Chairs and Program Directors List
- 2021-2022 Deans, Chairs and Program Directors List
Faculty Search Resources
- Full-Time Faculty Line Request Form (word)
- Faculty Position Posting (ad) Template (word)
- Guide for Faculty Search Committee (pdf) (word)
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Visit the SMC IRB website for more information.
Rank and Tenure
- Visit the SMC R&T Committee website for more information.
Sabbatical Leave
- Sabbatical Leave Protocol (PDF google doc)
- Sabbatical Leave Request form (formerly form A and B--PDF google doc with link to docusign form)
- Sabbatical Proposal Guidelines (PDF google doc)
- Sabbatical Confirmation form (docusign form)
- Sabbatical Leave Form D (PDF)