MSTE Learning Outcomes

With a Multiple Subject Preliminary Teaching Credential you will be qualified to teach grades K–8 in public and private schools in California. All courses incorporate the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Teacher Performance Expectations adopted by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
After completing this credential program, you will be able to:
- Teach the Common Core State Standards and other state-adopted academic content standards across all elementary school subjects
- Understand and use informal, formal, formative, and summative assessments
- Use developmentally appropriate teaching practices
- Understand and apply pedagogical theories, principles, and instructional practices for comprehensive instruction of English learners and students with special needs
- Understand patterns of child and adolescent development
- Maximize student achievement
- Develop and maintain clear expectations for academic and social behavior
- Evaluate your own teaching practices and knowledge of subject-matter
- Ensure that all students have full opportunities for academic success, without regard to ethnicity, race, gender, culture, social class, language, or disability
- Demonstrate that you have met all of the Teacher Performance Expectations set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.